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FAQ from clients Answer
Are the MWP MARK II fit for 5 Mw turbine? Yes
Are the MWP MARK II fit for 45-55 m waterdepth? Yes
Does the MWP MARK II work with different soil conditions? Yes
 Does the MWP MARK II use minimum seabed preparation?  Yes
 Are the MWP MARK II designed for mass production? Yes
 Can the MWP MARK II be fabricated in large numbers per year? Yes
 Are the MWP MARK II robust (for weather) and quickly installed? Yes
 Does the MWP MARK II have low overall costs? Yes
 Are MWP MARK II representatives hard to find in Europe? No


The MWP MARK II offshore foundation is designed and manufactured with a basis of years of experience with the
knowledge from the field of jack- up rig and platform structures.

The MWP MARK II provides the international offshore wind industry with a versatile tool for the development and production of wind power within offshore conditions.

When required by the customer, the unit can be manufactured to meet the requirements of any regulatory body.