Samråd om vindkraftverk i Kalmarsund

Marcon Windpower AB är ett svenskt bolag som planerar att bygga en vindkraftspark vid Utgrunden i Kalmarsund. Innan vi sätter i gång med Nya Utgrunden, så vill vi gärna veta vad du tycker om detta projekt. För att synpunkter ska kunna beaktas vid en ansökan till miljödomstolen bör vi ha fått dina synpunkter senast den 21 december 2021.
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Marcon Wind Power AB and its affiliated companies, represents fields of expertise that includes all aspects of Underwater and Marine works associated with the installation and maintenance of Wind Power plants as well as other structures within the marine environment.


The transition from known technology to both unknown technology and unknown site conditions represents an enormous challenge for everyone involved. To do this within a given economical range is even more demanding to achieve.


  • Unique solution that offers many advantages over its competion
  • Unique solution designed for the European Market
  • Unique solution with World Wide market appeal

Please see our movie about how a
wind power plant is put in place.

“We do as we say”